Herbal Monographs

How to Make Herbal Creams

Creating a bespoke topical cream for your patients can be a very effective way to treat a myriad of skin issues. The MediHerb Vitamin E Cream is a high quality, non-irritant, neutral cream base that is capable of incorporating herbal extracts, volatile and infused oils without losing its emulsion. The vitamin E acts mainly as an antioxidant and preservative, but will also contribute to the therapeutic effect.


1. Glass or stainless steel mixing bowl. If using glass make sure there are no cracks or chips, which could harbour contaminants.

2. Stainless steel whisk.

3. Stainless steel spatula.

4. Gram scales.

All equipment used to prepare creams must be sterilised immediately before use (boiling in water or soaking in “Milton” type solutions are very effective). All equipment should be used exclusively for cream making and stored in a clean, dry place after use. 

It is important when making the cream to use aseptic techniques, so the following is advised:

 - Choose a preparation area free from open windows and doors, and ensure the working surface is clean.

- Wash hands with soap and water and dry thoroughly before handling the cream.

- Use a sterile instrument to take the cream from the mixing container and transfer to a sterile container.

- Store the cream below 30ºC and away from direct sunlight.

- Replace the lid firmly to ensure the contents are sealed.

- Advise patients not to remove cream from jar with their finger, but use a clean stainless steel implement.


Combine the herb extracts and MediHerb Vitamin E Cream. Stir thoroughly until a smooth consistency is obtained and put immediately into sterilised jars.

Volatile oils can also be used. Stir thoroughly until the oil
is incorporated into the cream and put immediately into
sterilised jars.

Herbal Cream Recipes (accordian component inserted here, recipe images to be redone by Mariart)